The road less travelled.
This is my first attempt at producing a page in which I want to write about my experiences in living with advanced Melanoma.
Right now I'm on a road that is being travelled by a few brave warriors, whose footsteps I tread in now. Some are gone, but many are still with us, still fighting. I think that the human spirit is something that is often underestimated. The human will to survive is phenomenal.
When you get cancer, they want to cut, poison and burn you, trying to 'cure' you. It's a testament to that human survival instinct that we let them do it. And we do it with stoicsim and determination... When I started doing chemo, it amazed me how much backbone it actually took to get through, not only the immediate side effects, but the weeks after when I felt like Hell. When I coud hardly care for my children because I felt so ill... After the first cycle, it got so bad that I started to think "Is this what it's going to be like from now on? Is this how my life is going to be until I die?"
Well it wasn't. I got better - just in time to start cycle #2. After #2, I had one good week before cycle #3... and then lo and behold, after #3, I just felt 'normal' (whatever that is anymore).
I have so much to say. I want this blog to reflect my thoughts and feelings as I travel this road and hopefully, someone out there will be touched by it and know that they're not alone. We are on this road and there are others right here beside us, walking in these same footsteps of those who went before.
So this post is just a 'hello'... In the next post, I'll start from the beginning and relive the journey. I've gotta tell you, that's going to be hard. But I think it will be worth it.
Until then, live strong.
Right now I'm on a road that is being travelled by a few brave warriors, whose footsteps I tread in now. Some are gone, but many are still with us, still fighting. I think that the human spirit is something that is often underestimated. The human will to survive is phenomenal.
When you get cancer, they want to cut, poison and burn you, trying to 'cure' you. It's a testament to that human survival instinct that we let them do it. And we do it with stoicsim and determination... When I started doing chemo, it amazed me how much backbone it actually took to get through, not only the immediate side effects, but the weeks after when I felt like Hell. When I coud hardly care for my children because I felt so ill... After the first cycle, it got so bad that I started to think "Is this what it's going to be like from now on? Is this how my life is going to be until I die?"
Well it wasn't. I got better - just in time to start cycle #2. After #2, I had one good week before cycle #3... and then lo and behold, after #3, I just felt 'normal' (whatever that is anymore).
I have so much to say. I want this blog to reflect my thoughts and feelings as I travel this road and hopefully, someone out there will be touched by it and know that they're not alone. We are on this road and there are others right here beside us, walking in these same footsteps of those who went before.
So this post is just a 'hello'... In the next post, I'll start from the beginning and relive the journey. I've gotta tell you, that's going to be hard. But I think it will be worth it.
Until then, live strong.

You have paved the road for us. You have given so many people strength, and humor, and hope. I do hope you know how much we love you. How hard we crossed our fingers for you, hoping this would turn out differently.
Your family should be proud. Your family has to be even stronger now. They must know that you are watching over them. They must know that you are no longer in pain. Melanoma did not ever take your spirit, your spunk. Melanoma will never be able to take it. For you I am hopeful. For you have given me strength in my own fight. You voice the opinion I hold inside. Please watch over us, your melanoma family, as we continue your fight. Heaven is your home now. You are beautiful angel. Although we never met and only spoke a few times, I am a better person for knowing of you. We love you. We will miss you. God bless and watch over your family during this time and always, Heather. 3-2-07
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