Bread is the new beer

Seriously. This blinding realisation came to me yesterday as I was stuffing my face with the better half of a baguette slathered with butter. See, I used to really enjoy a cold beer or three, or a nice glass of red wine of an evening. But since my liver grew tumors, that's all stopped. First because I just didn't feel well (yeah, I know, call the whaaaaaambulance), and then because alcohol and chemo don't go too well. But finally, I have come to the realisation that beer and I have to part company forever because a couple of weeks ago, when I was celebrating my "stable" status and end of chemo (the first end of chemo that is, this now is the REAL end of chemo - confused? you will be), I had a glass of wine. The next day I felt like crap. I guess tumors in your liver make booze harder for your body to handle... seems like a no-brainer, you say? Well yah, but remember that my brain is all fogged up from the good drugs and there you have it.

This post was brought to you by your friendly neighborhood, garden-variety whiny beotch.
Hi Heather,
I love your blog. What a great mix of pictures and words. You are so honest and on point both on the MPIP and on your blog. Your courage astounds me. The only problem I have with your blog is now I have to go to fresh market and get some bread because your photo is driving me a little nuttier than normal. Only slightly kidding. Take care and best regards, Carver
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