Stupid people piss me off

That is all.
Okay, so actually it's not. The new oncologist's office has mislaid my disk with my scans on that they were supposed to be sending to radiation oncology on Friday. I was supposed to hear back by yesterday (Tuesday) as to whether or not I could have SRS (stereotactic radiosurgery) on my liver mets. So when I didn't hear, I called today. I wish I had called yesterday or Monday like I usually would have, but I mistakenly assumed that the people I was dealing with knew what they were doing. Big mistake and one I won't be making again. So Now I'll get a call from the radiation onc tomorrow as to whether he'll see me if I bring my disk with me, rather than viewing the disk first in order to save wasting both of our time if it turns out it can't be done.
The good thing that came out of this is that I was so pissed and frustrated that I scrubbed my bathroom from floor to ceiling.
Mmmmmm! Lime fresh!!!

Wow, Heather.
You have had too much to go thru in such a short time.
I really hope things get stable for a long time and then someone will pull the cure out of their back pocket soon like we're all hoping for!
I'm cheering you on and will look forward to your posts!
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