A couple of brain farts while I gather my wits...
Today went well, but I'm feeling completely mentally and emotionally exhausted, I didn't realise before quite how worried I was about how long it was taking to get treatment set up.
Anyway, a couple of incidents from yesterday that I forgot to add to give you a laugh at our expense:
We got to park right out front of the cancer center, we sat there for a while because we were early, finishing our coffee and talking crap (as we do). I realised that people were parking and going inside, returning a few minutes later with a slip that they put on their dashboard, then going back inside.
"I think we have to get a parking permit." I tell Jim.
"I'll go in and get it." and off he goes.
He came back laughing his butt off.
Radiation oncology shares a reception area with an eye clinic for some odd reason. He went in and up to the desk, telling the receptionist that we had an appointment with Dr Xxxx.
"This is the eye clinic," she tells him, pointing to a large sign on the desk, "You need the next desk along."
He started laughing, "Maybe I need an appointment with the eye clinc." he tells her.
She was still laughing when we went back in.

We were sitting in the examination room waiting for my nurse to come in and talk to us about the treatment (after the doctor had done his thing). We kept hearing this mechanical, whirring noise... SHOOOM...
"I think that's the radiation machine." I say to Jim.
"Really? It must be right below us, or in the next room."
"It's LOUD!" I'm nervous.
"Ask the nurse." Mr Helpful suggests.
She came in and asked me if I had any questions, so I asked her about the noise and if it was the machine. Bless her heart, she tried really hard not to laugh at me.
"No, it's the elevator."
I cracked up and so did she. It took a minute to get over that. I think they're used to stupid/nervous people...

You see some sights sitting in waiting rooms.
This one woman plonked herself down next to me today and noisily opened her newspaper. She proceeded to comment loudly to her companion on everything she read.
"Man arrested for scalding kittens." she yells.
"I don't want to hear that." I say to Jim, because I was a bit stressed and just didn't want to hear depressing news.
The woman repeats it... louder. She must have heard me.
"I'm not listening. Lalalala!" says me.
She continues reading the article out loud.
"Man arrested for killing patient in waiting room." Jim says in a normal, the whole world can hear him voice.
I crack up. People around us were smiling.
Loud, obnoxious woman shuts up.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off.
I wasn't trying to be mean, and I can't help it if Jim's irreverent brand of humor appeals to my warped little alter ego.
But someone please tell me why, when you go somewhere and find a seat far from everyone else, someone will always come and sit right on top of you. There could be a hundred other seats and they will sit almost in your lap.
Anyway, a couple of incidents from yesterday that I forgot to add to give you a laugh at our expense:
We got to park right out front of the cancer center, we sat there for a while because we were early, finishing our coffee and talking crap (as we do). I realised that people were parking and going inside, returning a few minutes later with a slip that they put on their dashboard, then going back inside.
"I think we have to get a parking permit." I tell Jim.
"I'll go in and get it." and off he goes.
He came back laughing his butt off.
Radiation oncology shares a reception area with an eye clinic for some odd reason. He went in and up to the desk, telling the receptionist that we had an appointment with Dr Xxxx.
"This is the eye clinic," she tells him, pointing to a large sign on the desk, "You need the next desk along."
He started laughing, "Maybe I need an appointment with the eye clinc." he tells her.
She was still laughing when we went back in.

We were sitting in the examination room waiting for my nurse to come in and talk to us about the treatment (after the doctor had done his thing). We kept hearing this mechanical, whirring noise... SHOOOM...
"I think that's the radiation machine." I say to Jim.
"Really? It must be right below us, or in the next room."
"It's LOUD!" I'm nervous.
"Ask the nurse." Mr Helpful suggests.
She came in and asked me if I had any questions, so I asked her about the noise and if it was the machine. Bless her heart, she tried really hard not to laugh at me.
"No, it's the elevator."
I cracked up and so did she. It took a minute to get over that. I think they're used to stupid/nervous people...

You see some sights sitting in waiting rooms.
This one woman plonked herself down next to me today and noisily opened her newspaper. She proceeded to comment loudly to her companion on everything she read.
"Man arrested for scalding kittens." she yells.
"I don't want to hear that." I say to Jim, because I was a bit stressed and just didn't want to hear depressing news.
The woman repeats it... louder. She must have heard me.
"I'm not listening. Lalalala!" says me.
She continues reading the article out loud.
"Man arrested for killing patient in waiting room." Jim says in a normal, the whole world can hear him voice.
I crack up. People around us were smiling.
Loud, obnoxious woman shuts up.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off.
I wasn't trying to be mean, and I can't help it if Jim's irreverent brand of humor appeals to my warped little alter ego.
But someone please tell me why, when you go somewhere and find a seat far from everyone else, someone will always come and sit right on top of you. There could be a hundred other seats and they will sit almost in your lap.

So glad you can laugh! You make me laugh and cry almost at the same time. Praying for you to get thru this trying time.
Brain farts are a good thing! It brings laughter to all of us!
Stay strong! We're pulling for you!
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