Take off and nuke it from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.

That's the plan.
Tomorrow I go for imaging that will enable my radiation oncologist to plan a course of treatment for me. Due to the size of my large liver tumor, I'm not a candidate for Novalis as I had hoped, so we're doing Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy instead. It isn't quite as accurate as Novalis, which means that surrounding tissue stands to be radiated, so be prepared for lots of gastric issues posts in the near future, heh. The fact that we don't have pinpoint accuracy means that the prescribed dose of radiation will have to be given in increments over a two or three week period, five days a week.
Hopefully it will address the issue of the monster inside me.
My three other liver tumors can be treated with Novalis, but the radiation oncologist recommended a systemic treatment of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) before taking any further action, which I agree with. With any luck IL-2 will boost my immune system to fight off any further metastisis and we all like the idea of lightening my tumor burden beforehand a LOT. (Me most of all!)
The best part of today is that all of the healthcare professionals I came into contact with agree that melanoma can be managed and treated like a chronic illness if you can get on top of it and stay there. Of course, we all know how easy THAT is (bad attempt at humor)... Still, it was encouraging. What was more encouraging was that the doctor looked me in the eye and was completely straight with me. See, I know how bad it is, I don't need people pretending it isn't.
Some validation here please, people.

I couldn't end this post without saying a big thanks to my Arfcom 'family' for the encouragement, support and outright kindness they show me. It's very humbling and completely heartwarming knowing that there are so many fantastic people pulling for you. I don't even have words to express my gratitude and appreciation (but thought they'd appreciate the nuke it from orbit part).
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