Enough of the navel-gazing and introspection already!
It's a beautiful day!
The sky is blue, it's cool and clear, the best sort of day.
I've been focusing on the negative for a while and I'm tired of it. I start treatment next Monday and this might be the last time I feel well for a while, so I think I'm going to make the most of it.
Things to be grateful for:
My children are happy and healthy.
My husband loves me.
I have a roof over my head and a full stomach.
In spite of the Mother Of All Liver Tumors growing inside me (or MOALT), I still feel relatively well and have good energy levels.
I have a treatment planned that WILL work - or at least stabilise me (I have to believe that).
I live in a nice semi-rural area, with lots of trees and fields and excellent schools for my children.
School starts back soon and I am grateful that I have made the decision not to homeschool this year like I had planned, because I feel like they need to be in school with their own lives and be away from me and cancer for a while.
I am grateful for every second of life and don't want to waste any of it.
One week until treatment... It can't come soon enough for me.
The sky is blue, it's cool and clear, the best sort of day.
I've been focusing on the negative for a while and I'm tired of it. I start treatment next Monday and this might be the last time I feel well for a while, so I think I'm going to make the most of it.
Things to be grateful for:
My children are happy and healthy.
My husband loves me.
I have a roof over my head and a full stomach.
In spite of the Mother Of All Liver Tumors growing inside me (or MOALT), I still feel relatively well and have good energy levels.
I have a treatment planned that WILL work - or at least stabilise me (I have to believe that).
I live in a nice semi-rural area, with lots of trees and fields and excellent schools for my children.
School starts back soon and I am grateful that I have made the decision not to homeschool this year like I had planned, because I feel like they need to be in school with their own lives and be away from me and cancer for a while.
I am grateful for every second of life and don't want to waste any of it.
One week until treatment... It can't come soon enough for me.

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