In the home stretch!

I only have 3 more radiation treatments to go!
I'm quite pleased because it's getting a bit tiring now - understatement, I come out of there exhausted, it really hits me right after. I'm glad I don't have it done in the mornings, I'd be (even more) useless all day. Anyway, they're really pleased with how well I'm tolerating it, and a little surprised. The doctor told me yesterday that he has a good feeling about me because my attitude is contagious!
I may not be little miss sweetness and light, but my determination to kick ass is appreciated by some.
I started writing a long rant-like blog that was bound to upset people (again) today, but just saved it, because the deep stuff is making my head hurt. Sometimes you just want to wallow in the shallow water and leave the deeper shark-infested waters alone, you know?
So... what to do next?
I'm supposed to get set up for IL-2. I think I'll take a little break before I start that though, if my scans don't show anything new and nasty. I'm pretty tapped out.
My radiation oncologist wants to follow up in 3 months with scans. I'm due to be scanned in about a month. He told me that even if that one shows the liver mets to have grown, not to panic as the liver can sometimes react that way and it's not the final word on whteher the rads worked. His word is the final word. I'm not sure if I'll wait that long to start treatment, I guess I'll check with the medical oncologist and see how long they want you to wait after radiation.
I've never felt tired like this, it's freaky. But if it's the worst side-effect I get from radiation, then good.
Hi Heather,
I LOVE your kick ass attitude and am so glad to hear you are heading into the home stretch with radiation. You are one brave woman. I think you're smart to plan on at least a short break before IL 2. It makes sense to give the radiation a chance to do it's worse on MM and then zap it with the next thing. I hope you can get some rest soon. I'm still sending out thoughts for you to get some restorative sleep. I'd like to kick insomnia out of the room for you. Hang in there!
As ever, Carver
thinking of you and hoping you continued to do well after radiation. you have been a bit quiet and i am concerned.
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