Let me see your war face!!

Okay so my tolerance for BS is non-existent today. It's one of those days when you know you should just stay off the Internet and let the idiot whiny beotches have it. Most of the time I manage to ignore, or shrug off certain things, but occasionally I feel like addressing them. And I don't think that's a good idea, as it rarely ends well. Thank God for Arfcom, a haven of politically incorrect sanity (LOL) in a sea of PC BS.
And anyway, life's too short. I mean really. No... REALLY.
So I'm sort of nervous about today. They told me that most of the side effects I will experience will be cumulative, except for the gastric issues. Due to the fact that they're radiating my liver, which is so close to my GI tract, they told me to be prepared to feel sick as a dog (I think that's the technical term).
Fair enough. It's not like chemo makes you feel like a million bucks.
Something that helps me keep things in perspective is knowing that there are children going through the same thing, and worse. If you've ever seen how children weather cancer treatment, you'll know what a truly humbling thing their bravery is to see.
Especially for a 38 year old cry-baby who's scared of a little bit of radiation.

Actually it's not the radiation I'm scared of, I'm looking forward to starting this treatment and sending mel to a firey death. I'm just nervous about the unknown. Once I know how bad the side-effects will be, I'll just deal with it. It's the unknown that will get you every time.
No matter how bad it is, I'd do it a thousand times over to kill this cancer.
Hey Heather,
I had to laugh a good fifteen minutes after seeing your pics before I could reply. You are one tough woman and between your fighting spirit and humor, I'm betting Mel doesn't stand a chance. As to radiation, one of my sisters had it in a similar area to yours and it was tough but as she put it do-able. I don't pretend to know what you're going through but she would and it was part of the arsenal that turned her situation around from close to hopeless to surviving. She did lose a lot of weight but I guess they've prepared you for that possibility.
Know that I'm in your corner. I fear I come off a little like Miss Mary Sunshine. I want you to know I completely understand why the whining is hard to take in a situation like yours. Your war face is an image I will keep handly for when I need it.
As ever, Carver
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